Bentley LumenRT Help

Animating a LiveCube

LumenRT provides a complete animation system which allows the users to create professional quality videos with ease. There are three mechanisms available for creating camera animation paths:

  • Auto-Generated camera animation paths by key framing photo snapshots taken inside of LumenRT.
  • Using the LumenRT Time-line editor.
  • Importing camera animation paths directly from CAD and CG systems.

Auto-Generated Camera Animation Paths

Auto-generated paths are created by simply moving the camera and pressing the F6 photo capture key. This will automatically place the captured photo as a keyframe on the LumenRT Time-line. There is no need to open the Time-line editor for this process to work. Simply move the camera, hit F6 and repeat for as many camera positions as you like. LumenRT will automatically construct the animation path.

Time-line Editor

LumenRT contains a fully featured, easy to use Time-line editor that allows users to construct custom video clips. The Time-line editor is completely graphical with thumbnail representations of each keyframe organized along a linear time path.

Time-line Navigation Controls
  1. Time-line position controls
  2. Play button
  3. Graphical keyframe thumbnail
  4. Time-line
  5. Video clip actions
  6. Time spline editor

The Time-line navigation controls work in fashion similar to most video players with a play button, pause button, loop button and key frame jump buttons. To zoom in or out of the Time-line, place your mouse cursor anywhere in the light gray Time-line box then press control key + right mouse button and move the mouse.

The handles on both ends of the yellow bar can be moved to reduce the animation of the clip to a specific portion. Multiple keyframes can be selected by pressing Ctrl/Shift or dragging a selection rectangle. By grabbing and dragging the right side of a keyframe handle, the pause time of the keyframe can be changed. Pressing the right mouse button and moving the mouse will scroll the Time-line. In the thumbnail bar, it is possible to drag and drop thumbnails to organize keyframes. Also, pressing the right mouse button and moving the mouse will scroll the Time-line.

Organizing and Linking Video Clips The movie editor tab provides the ability to add, organize, delete and join video clips together. Most of the clip commands are accessed by hovering the mouse over a video clip thumbnail. It is possible to drag and drop thumbnails or tabs to organize clips.
  • Add a Movie Clip - Starts a new video clip using the current camera position as the first key frame.
  • Add a Picture/Video - allows video clips and images to be imported into the timeline.
  • Disable Clip - Disables the playback of the video clip.
  • Delete Clip - Deletes the currently selected video clip.
  • Clip Transition - Indicates the type and duration of transitions between clips. When double clicked, a transition selection menu appears allowing the selection of a transition type and duration.
Editing Individual Clips
Each video clip in the scene has its own Time-line tab. The active scene video is always set to the currently selected video clip Time-line. Keyframes can be dragged and dropped anywhere in the Time-line by selecting a keyframe and with the left mouse button down, dragging it to a new location.

Keyframes can be dragged and dropped anywhere in the Time-line by selecting a keyframe and with the left mouse button down, dragging it to a new location. New keyframes can be added to the end of the clip Time-line by clicking the Add Keyframe camera icon in the last empty keyframe.

The time of the new keyframe will depend on the position of the "Current Time" slider when this button is clicked. If the current time is past the last keyframe of the clip, then the new keyframe will be added at the current time. Otherwise, the new keyframe will be added after the last keyframe, at a time automatically computed according to how much the camera has moved compared to the last keyframe.

New intermediate keyframes can be added between keyframes by doing the following:

  1. Move the Time-line slider to any position between the two keyframes.
  2. Move the camera in the scene to a desired location.
  3. Click the intermediate keyframe button.
Video Clip actions When clicked, opens the video clips actions menu.
  • Move Clip Up/Down - moves the current clip up or down in the movie clips order.
  • Duplicate Clip - copies the current clip and places it next to the current clip in the movie clips order.
  • Hide Clip from Movie - disables the current clip from being displayed.
  • Delete Clip - erases and removes the current clip.
  • Export Clip - exports the current video clip.
Creating Sun and Season Animations

Animating the sun position and season is possible by doing the following:

  1. Click the sun position animation icon (the clock icon) on the lights menu.
  2. Link the Date slider with the Season slider by clicking the link icon. With the Time-line open, set the first key frame.
  3. Then move the Time and /or Date slider to a different position. This will create a new open keyframe.
  4. Click the keyframe refresh button to capture the keyframe.

Importing Animations from CAD/BIM/GIS Systems

If supported by your CAD/BIM/GIS system LumenRT exporter, animations created externally will be imported and placed directly onto the LumenRT animation Time-line under the Imported Animation tab. Currently, Sketchup is the only supported CAD system that offers camera animation path output in a format suitable for LumenRT . MicroStation offers advanced traffic animation output.